Data Processing Training with Microsoft Excel at KPPN Metro - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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Data Processing Training with Microsoft Excel at KPPN Metro

Data Processing Training with Microsoft Excel at KPPN Metro

December 11, 2024 | Other Activities

On Wednesday, December 11, 2024, the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Metro Municipality reaffirmed its commitment to supporting analytical and statistical capacity development across institutions. This was demonstrated by its role as a resource speaker in the Data Processing and Analysis training organized by the State Treasury Office (KPPN) Metro. The training aimed to enhance effective and efficient data management, particularly in processing data to produce financial reports.

During the session, BPS Metro Municipality provided insights into leveraging Microsoft Excel for data processing, focusing on advanced features such as formulas, functions, and pivot tables. The processed data was then visualized using dashboards, which could be utilized as a basis for generating financial reports.

This initiative aims to foster synergy between BPS and KPPN Metro in utilizing high-quality data to support more transparent and accountable state financial management.

Through this collaboration, the training is expected not only to improve technical competencies but also to cultivate a data-driven work culture within government institutions. This marks an important step toward strengthening governance and promoting the effective use of data in public financial management.

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